New advancements on one of the greatest architectural and humanitarian achievements of the 21st century - the border fence between Serbia and Hungary

We do not know how else to approach this issue but with a sarcastic title such as this, given that EU member states have signed the human rights convention and are often the first to flag if another country has violated its citizens’ human rights, while at the same time will fund erecting fences at its external borders. Every year, these fences are getting higher and sharper, with ever more sneaky traps for people on the move. Hungary as the first to erect a line of the fence in 2015, then doubled it in 2017, and finally added a meter to its height in January 2023. Before 2023. So the most updated version of the fence is has a barbed wire fence on which people on the move cut their hands and arms, hurt their legs, their clothes are torn, they get stuck or are forced to jump down with the risk of breaking their limbs. At the very top of the fence, there are several horizontal sharp wires holding reels of barbed wire. The height of the fence was 3 meters, while currently it is 4 meters – which is a significant height to be forced to jump down from and many people get seriously injured.

Besides that, many refugees reman brave and persistent. We remember a man from Afghanistan who we had met in the field and who told us: “If they erect an additional meter on the fence, we will do the same with our ladders.” The problem is that at one side there is the metal who cannot feel pain, and on the other, there are people who are facing the metal, the wire and the height and who cannot win at this.

The fence remains as a huge monument to hypocrisy and cruel guarding of the capitalist system of the EU who will one day, hopefully serve just as a reminder to the future generations how not to treat other people.

Instead of the fences, let’s raise solidarity among people!


Increasing number of Syrian refugees are leaving Lebanon
